USAID proved to be, providing us with the required support at the right time – Lasha Ckhvimiani

USAID empowers citizens to get involved in local civic activities and change their communities for the better.

Lasha Chkhvimian is a Theatre University graduate and co-founder of the multi-functional artistic space “Meeting Place” in Dmanisi, a place where community members can build civic connections through art. – “I’ve always wished that culture would be available to all communities in Dmanisi, and that via art, we might propagate democratic and humanitarian principles among the people.” I wanted Dmanisi to have a place where we could gather, learn in an informal setting, communicate, share mutual issues, interests, and aspirations, and discover each other”.  -Says Lasha

With the help of USAID, Meeting Place organized approximately 50 cultural, educational, and social activities over the past year : Film screenings and performances in Dmanisi villages, free taxis for Dmanisi inhabitants, and the establishment of a theatre studio for high school students, with 84 students from 19 communities studying there for free. and in September, on the one-year anniversary of the organization’s founding”,” Lasha and his colleagues plan to open a completely autonomous, multifunctional venue

The area will have a cafe, movie, chamber theatre, library, bookstore, theatre studio, and informal education zone among other things. – ,,Strangers and disengaged people (which exists in an ethnically varied location) will be able to interact with each other in a positive setting in this arena. The gathering. At the “Meeting Place,” we will endeavour to explore and establish points of intersection between people and find shared, unifying ideals through a variety of creative activities aimed at diverse age, social, or ethnic groups.’’ Says Lasha

,,A great friend always knows when you need to be there for him, and that’s how USAID proved to be, providing us with the required support at the right time and assisting us in creating a completely novel and distinctive chance for the locals.’’ – Says Lasha